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Fun group activities for work

Whether you're on-boarding, team  building or just socialising, it's time to choose something special for your next IT group activity.

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Actor - sourcing partners

Arranging a group activity that ticks all the boxes can be a challenge

Group activities are a vital part of corporate life.

They reignite the human element so often smothered by the pace of work, the drive for efficiency and our modern working environment. 

Participants leave inspired and motivated, with a renewed sense of purpose and awareness.

At Game-changing Insight, we have a great solution. 

That special group activity

A highly memorable, fun and engaging group activity with an incredible team dynamic.

Feature a strategic business development game in your next group activity.

  • Discover what makes each other tick

  • Discussion points that will persist and broaden mindset

  • A shared experience that is a foundation for future workshops

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How to set up a game session

Table setup 1x3x1
Table setup 1x3x2
Table setup 1x4x2
Table setup 2x3x2
Table setup 3x4x2

Simple guidelines to follow that will ensure success

Consider who will be running the session, how many attendees you have, what you want to achieve and how long you have to achieve it.

  • Discuss your goals with someone who has some experience running such sessions.

  • Allow time to prepare the players, helping them understand the rules and timing.

  • Limit the number of players according to the game and only run up to two games at the same time unless you have help.

Each table works well with 3-8 players.

  • Allow time to debrief and reflect on the session.

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Example session

A look at an example session, its timing and learning coverage.

Stabil-IT is a business strategy game covering the area of IT service management. It also covers how to plan agile sprints and stories.

  • The rules are not all introduced at once. Only the key rules, needed to play the first round of the game, are presented ahead of the game session (allow 20-30 minutes)

  • In a game of this level of sophistication, anticipate that around a quarter to a third of the game-time will normally need some facilitating (total game time 2-3 hours).

  • It is important to remember that the game is only the vehicle for learning and development, not the goal of the session. 

  • Reinforce the learning goals over the course of the game, reference the game when doing so. This helps memory and learning as well as assisting future discussions.

Group activity with the ITSM training game,  Stabil-IT

Total session time is around 3-4 hours

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Choosing the right game

Example business games from Game-changing Insight

Understanding your activity goals

You will often want to hit some soft skills goals as well as cover a specific topic or area of current development. Maybe you are currently going through an organisational transformation or introducing new ways of working...

  • Games will help to challenge your participants to embrace alternate approaches and strategies - this may be something you wish to explore and leverage in follow-up sessions.

  • Almost all games, especially those played in the real world, will develop social skills such as teamwork, communication, leadership, problem-solving and negotiation.

  • Games engage emotions making the experience more persistent than a presentation format.

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